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Zhodnotenie konferencie ISSS/V4DIS 2019

Videozáznam slavnostního zahájení 2019

V4DIS 2019—already for the sixteenth time

, Česky

The sixteenth year of the conference V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society) will traditionally take place simultaneously with the national conference ISSS, this time in the days of 1 and 2 April 2019. At the two-day conference in the Aldis Congress Centre in Hradec Králové there will once again meet representatives of public administration from the Visegrad Four countries who deal with the issue of society informatization, e-government development and public administration reform. They will meet local as well as foreign experts in this issue. (more)

Podpora spolupráce mezi ČR a Slovenskem v oblasti e-governmentu

V4DIS 2018