V4DIS 2019—already for the sixteenth time

, Česky

The sixteenth year of the conference V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society) will traditionally take place simultaneously with the national conference ISSS, this time in the days of 1 and 2 April 2019. At the two-day conference in the Aldis Congress Centre in Hradec Králové there will once again meet representatives of public administration from the Visegrad Four countries who deal with the issue of society informatization, e-government development and public administration reform. They will meet local as well as foreign experts in this issue.

In the programme that will partly blend with presentations and discussions taking place within the national conference ISSS there will be presented information about interesting e-government projects that have successfully started or been finished in each country, there will be presented a number of examples of best practice and discussed about main challenges and plans in the area of public administration informatization and life digitalization. Platform will be certainly given to evaluation of e-government condition, further development of concepts “smart cities” and “smart regions” and there will be also talked about some projects within cross-boarder cooperation or use of modern technologies in the area of tourism and support of tourist destinations.

Official programme of the V4DIS conference will again include a Monday afternoon set of speeches and a workshop of participants of the competitions Golden Crest (Zlatý Erb) and GoldenCrest.sk (ZlatyErb.sk) subtitled “Experience with Webs of local governments in V4 countries”, which will be traditionally participated by representatives of the Senate of the Parliament of CR and a number of other significant representatives of public administration of CR as well as other countries. At the moment we are negotiating also other meetings with representatives of the Czech National Coalition for Digital Jobs and their partner coalitions in other V4 countries.

The main organizer of the V4DIS conference is traditionally the Association Czech At, co-organizer is the Vysočina Region that was the main implementor of a large project LDA-V4 mapping the state of public administration informatization in the V4 region and the overall concept of the event has been significantly shared by the cities of Hradec Králové and Prague. Apart from the usual accompanying events of the conference ISSS the programme V4DIS 2019 will also offer the traditional Sunday VIP evening in the Klicpera theatre or awarding of the participants of the competition of young talents JuniorErb (JuniorCrest), who will be handed over memorial certificates from the hands of deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of CR.